Photo: Álvaro Cubero
Join the Frontlines of Conservation:
Donate to Pacuare Reserve
At Pacuare Reserve, we work tirelessly to restore and protect the natural habitats of endangered species, promote sustainable practices, and educate local communities and visitors about the value of biodiversity and the environment.
Your donation will directly support our efforts to protect this important ecosystem, conduct vital research, and educate the next generation of environmental leaders. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in the fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity.
Support wildlife research
and conservation💛
Agami Advocate: Support the protection of the agami heron through habitat restoration, conservation projects, and research into the species' behavior.
Primate Protectors: Protect the three species of primates found at The Reserve! Support conservation efforts such as research, reforestation, and educational programs in local communities.
Jaguar Guardians: Support research and conservation projects focused on mitigating habitat loss and maintaining safe passage for the 3 species of felines at Pacuare Reserve.
Hatchling Heros: Fund nightly sea turtle census efforts, monitoring programs, and research equipment to ensure a safe and healthy nesting environment for sea turtles.
Eco Educators: Support the next generation! This level of giving benefits environmental education. Donations support programs that teach youth from local communities about
conservation and sustainability.
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Conservation Projects
Each night from March to October, Pacuare Reserve’s research assistants conduct censuses on leatherback sea turtles along 6 kilometers of beach searching for nesting females. Pacuare Research assistants collect biometric data on the female turtles and protect their nests from illegal harvesting and beach erosion. Once the adult turtle has returned to sea, the research assistants journey back to the beginning of the beach – another 6 kilometers – to the “vivero” or the hatchery.
In 2022, an impressive 50,000 kilometers (or 31,000 miles) were walked by research assistants and volunteers to find and safeguard more than 36,000 sea turtle eggs! Around 65 days later, these eggs hatch, bringing forth the next generation of leatherback sea turtles. After gathering weight and shell length measurements, the research assistants guide the tiny sea turtles out to the ocean, where only 1 in 1,000 sea turtles make it to adulthood. These odds mean every egg matters to the survival of this species.
Agami Heron Conservation Projects

Photo: Álvaro Cubero
The agami heron (Agamia agami) is a beautiful, elegant, and elusive bird that lives only on the American continent, from southern Mexico to Brazil. Historically, the agami heron once nested throughout their range, but recent studies indicate that this has changed. Presently, Pacuare Reserve is home to the only known nesting colony between Mexico and Colombia. These visually stunning birds migrate incredibly long distances to lay their eggs in the quiet protection of The Reserve.
Each year, Pacuare Reserve has observed about 80 to 130 nests. With each bird lying between 1-2 eggs each year, this means that there can be up to 260 chicks growing at Pacuare Reserve! To preserve this quiet isolation, researchers communicate in whispers and with a mesh bird blind. Go behind the blind and see for yourself!
The agami heron research at Pacuare Reserve focuses on the abundance, densities, and reproduction cycles of the species. Pacuare Reserve researchers work hard and long hours to gain a stronger understanding of this beautiful bird and preserve the survival of the species, egg by egg!
Feline Conservation Projects
Pacuare Reserve serves as a haven for three species of wildcats, including jaguars (Panthera onca), ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), and pumas (Puma concolor). Our primary objective is to describe the different eating and migratory behaviors of these animals to gain insights into the size and health of their populations. This information is vital to the authorities who oversee conservation decisions and is critical to the future of wildlife preservation.
To achieve our goals, we have installed a network of camera traps in areas with a high probability of jaguar or prey presence. Our research assistants constantly check the devices and analyze footage with researchers and students.

Primate Conservation Projects

The Reserve houses three species of monkeys: white-faced monkey (Cebus imitator), howler monkey (Alowatta palliata), and spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi). Our program is designed to describe the different behaviors and social learning processes exhibited by each species, and we monitor their populations carefully through the efforts of both researchers and visitors.
Understanding the complexities of social learning and behavior in primates is crucial for protecting their habitats, particularly in the case of the Costa Rican Caribbean primates. Given the lack of scientific data on their ethology and migration, research in the Pacuare Reserve is critical for informing future conservation efforts.
Environmental Education: Support Sustainability Leaders Program
Our objective is to inspire and empower the next generation of community leaders in Matina and Bataán to champion the conservation of coastal marine resources. We aim to achieve this by equipping students in 5th and 6th grade of primary school and adolescents in 9th and 10th grade of secondary school with systemic thinking, collective problem-solving, and leadership skills, all within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program includes a variety of activities, such as workshops, and hands-on learning experiences.
Through this program, we hope to cultivate teamwork, environmental stewardship, and creative problem-solving abilities among our youth. We invite organizations, companies, and individuals who share our vision to join us in developing this initiative.

Support the Conservation of Pacuare Reserve: Donate Today!
Pacuare Reserve is crucial biodiversity hotspot that requires our support to continue its mission of protecting and conserving wildlife and their habitats. Your generosity can make a significant impact in safeguarding the future of this invaluable natural resource. We thank you for your support and look forward to working together towards a sustainable future for our planet.
Learn More:
You can donate safely with a credit or debit card, (local or international), via "Yo me Uno (BAC Credomatic)
For donations via bank transfer, if you are in Costa Rica you can deposit to these accounts of Costa Rica Bank (Banco de Costa Rica):
IBAN account in Dollars: CR12015201001023227811
IBAN account in colones: CR86015201001023213190
Name of the recipient account: Ecology Project International. ID number: 3-013-338461
If you are in another country please contact melissas@ecologyproject.org for instructions

If you are in Costa Rica and want to get your company or organization involved in initiatives with impact that support the objectives of the Reserve, consider sponsoring the Program for Leaders in Sustainability at the Pacuare Reserve
If you are interested in longer term Volunteer opportunities as a Research Assistant, please check out this information here.

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